Nxumalo, F. & Berg, L. (2020). Conversations on climate change pedagogies in a Central Texas kindergarten classroom. In J A. Henderson & A. Drewes (Eds), Teaching climate change in the United States (pp. 44-57). New York: Routledge.
Nxumalo, F. with Villanueva, M. (2020). (Re)storying Water: Decolonial pedagogies of relational affect with young children. In B. Dernikos, N. Lesko, S. D. McCall & A. Niccolini (Eds.), Mapping the affective turn in education: Theory, research, and pedagogy (pp. 209-228). New York: Routledge.
Nxumalo, F. & Villanueva, M. ( 2020). Listening to water: Situated dialogues between Black, Indigenous & Black-Indigenous feminisms. In ^C. Taylor, ^C. Hughes, & J. Ulmer (Eds.), Transdisciplinary feminist research practices: Innovations in theory, method and practice (pp. 59-75). New York: Routledge.
Nxumalo, F. (2019). Disrupting racial capitalist formations in early childhood education. In F. Nxumalo & C.P. Brown (Eds.), Disrupting and countering deficits in early childhood education (pp. 164-178). New York: Routledge.
Nxumalo, F. (2019). Presencing: Decolonial attunements to children’s place relations. In. D. Hodgins (Ed.), Feminist research for 21st-Century childhoods: Common worlds methods (pp159-168). London: Bloomsbury.
Nxumalo, F. & Rubin, J.C. (2018). Encountering waste landscapes: more-than-human place literacies in early childhood education. In C.R. Kuby, K. Spector & J. Johnson Thiel (Eds.), Posthumanism and Literacy Education: Knowing/Being/Doing Literacies (pp. 201-213). New York: Routledge.
Nxumalo, F. (in press, 2021). Decolonial water pedagogies: Invitations to Black, Indigenous and Black-Indigenous world making. Forthcoming special issue in Bank Street Occasional Paper Series.
Nxumalo, F. & Villanueva, M. (2019). Decolonial water stories: Affective pedagogies with young children. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 7(1), 40-56.
What can flooding events teach about multispecies interdependencies and relationality?
By Berg, L. Nxumalo, F. & Odim, N. 2018
How climate change education is hurting the environment
By Nxumalo, F., The Hill. 12/24/18